It was my sons last day of school. I wasn't wearing my glasses and I couldn't see very well. Before collecting him from school we went to a new cafe in town. I was surprised to see it was my friends cafe as they didn'te mention they were starting a new business. I collected Hamish and he had a special event after school. We were in a biking park but didn't have a bike. Because I didn't have my glasses on I couldn't see clearly. I stayed calm but felt really lost.
Dreams often reflect our internal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, and your dream seems to convey themes of transition, uncertainty, and perhaps a sense of being unprepared.
Last Day of School: This symbolizes a significant transition or an ending. It may reflect feelings about your son growing up, moving into a new stage in life, or your own process of change.
Not Wearing Glasses: Glasses often represent clarity, vision, and insight. Not wearing them might suggest you are feeling unclear about a situation in your life or that you may be unable to see things as they truly are. This could indicate feelings of confusion or a lack of focus on what's next.
New Cafe: Discovering that a friend has opened a cafe might symbolize unexpected changes or new beginnings. It could also indicate feelings of surprise or a desire for connection with this friend, as well as an interest in new experiences.
Collecting Hamish: Collecting your son signifies your protective instincts and your role as a caregiver. It also underscores your involvement in his life, especially during significant transitions.
Biking Park Without a Bike: The biking park can represent the journey of life, and not having a bike may symbolize feelings of being unprepared or unable to move forward. It could reflect concerns about not having the necessary resources or support to navigate a new phase.
Feeling Lost but Staying Calm: This contrast indicates resilience. Feeling lost suggests uncertainty or anxiety about the future, while your ability to remain calm shows strength in facing challenges. It might suggest that even amidst uncertainty, you can maintain your composure and adapt.
Overall, your dream may reflect feelings about navigating significant transitions in your life, especially concerning your role as a parent and the uncertainties that come with change. It may encourage you to seek clarity in situations where you feel unprepared and to embrace unexpected developments with a calm demeanor.